Zen & Not Zen

3 friends having unscripted conversations about life, that turn into tangents about other things, but still prove to be amusing. Sometimes we are sway towards the Zen side and sometimes towards the Not Zen side. With all 3 of us, we are BroTime.
~Enjoy the journey~
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Life is a busy balancing act. With endless expectations — our own and everyone else’s — it feels like we're always trying to keep a dozen plates spinning at once. And as much as we complain, boast about our multitasking superpowers, or list it as a "skill" on our résumés, the truth is, multitasking is wearing us out. So, today, we're giving a single task the spotlight. Sure, the world isn't exactly designed for single-tasking, but hey, we've got to start somewhere, right? In this edition, we’ll also cover fresh music releases, the fine art of trusting yourself, and whether or not you should pay attention to those voices in your head (the friendly ones, anyway).
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Today, work challenges feel particularly front and center. It leads perfectly into an intriguing question: what if you woke up one day to find you were “generationally taken care of” rich? How would you spend your days? Would there be a phase where you did absolutely nothing? And could you truly step away from the drive for external validation? Let’s dive into the possibilities and explore what life might look like if we became wildly, ridiculously wealthy.
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So, my brother recently visited a friend who's off-grid homesteading in the wilds of Alaska, and that's where he stumbled across the curious term 'Law-ptional.' Turns out, when you're living in the middle of nowhere, some laws and rules become... well, more like suggestions! It got me thinking—what rules in our own lives have become 'law-ptional'? Do you always park by the book? Cross the street only at crosswalks? Or maybe you've mastered the art of loophole-hunting? We also explore the WNBA expansion, anyone? Why is fantasy football so addicting? And, honestly, can someone explain what makes fun-sized candy bars... fun?
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Today, we explore the uncanny parallels between the film Wag the Dog and the current political climate. Along the way, we discuss how the term 'playing politics' often fosters unnecessary people-pleasing. We also dive into the fading presence of cultural rites of passage, share thoughts on aging with grace, and highlight our favorite headline of the week: 'Women Who Don’t Wear Makeup Are Psychopaths.' We always suspected Kinzie might be one, but we never considered her makeup-free face as the cause! Finally, we dissect some unsettling lyrics from surprisingly well-known songs that are a bit too recent for comfort.
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Summer in the PNW is nothing short of spectacular, so it's been a minute since the ZNZBT crew gathered for a recording. But we’re wasting no time diving right back into the random conversations and topics that keep our ADHD brains buzzing. We catch up on Kinzie's travels to Italy and Vegas and Robin's to New York. Robin finally realizes that he may be a curmudgeon, but is this really news to anyone? Go grab a gelato, crack open a 40oz Hard Seltzer (optional), and get ready to chat about Jeff Goldblum's new show and the eerie possibility that the entertainment we consume may be seeping into our real lives. Spooky stuff!
~Enjoy the Journey~
We race through life at such a breakneck speed that we hardly notice time passing, much less the changing of seasons or the years slipping away. From fleeting trends to the whirlwind of fast fashion, it feels like no one truly wants to keep up with the relentless pace we've set, yet we struggle to maintain the facade of enjoyment. Slowing down might be more challenging than we imagine. We're not just moving quickly; we've convinced ourselves that this is how life must be, with no end in sight. But has slowing down become a luxury only a few can afford? Can we find a way to let humanity savor the free time that our technologies could grant us, or will we continue to focus on turning people into ever more efficient workers? I cast my vote for the former.
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We’re all human by nature, but have you ever paused to consider what it truly means to be human? Imagine having to consciously think about things you do instinctively—walking, breathing, reaching for an object. It’s like the intriguing question making the rounds: how do you refer to yourself in your thoughts? Are you an "I," a "You," or a "We" In this conversation, we delve into the psychological significance of small actions, like returning your shopping cart, and explore just how much of a beast yacht rock musician Christopher Cross really is. And then, we tackle the big questions, like if reincarnation were real, would you want to come back? Nothing but the good stuff today.
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We’re surrounded by signs and symbols every day. Often, we accept them at face value, but what if there's a hidden, possibly harmful, meaning beneath them? Today’s discussion springs from a controversial "No U-Turn" sign in California. The more we dig behind the surface, the more disturbing truths seem to emerge. This might explain why the concept of the Heyoka keeps surfacing—someone needs to hold up a mirror to the madness we've normalized. Join us as we explore whether we’ve got any more eff's to give, how to avoid getting 5150'd, and contemplate the timeless question: if Jack helped you on a horse… you know the rest. Oh, and by the way, Betty For is awesome!
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In this episode, we dive into a phrase that’s haunted us for years: "You'll understand it when you get older." It was maddening, but recently, I finally got it—thanks to The Doobie Brothers. I now appreciate the key changes, the tempo shifts, and the incredible musicianship of their music. So, what else are we finally ready to understand with age? Join us as we explore generational gripes, like the nostalgic longing for "simpler times." Were they really simpler, or do we just miss our younger days? Plus, we’ll unpack why service industries are shifting to tip pooling, our thoughts on big industries breaking down, and our hopes for giving our kids what we didn't have. Tune in for a journey through the wisdom of age and the changing times!
~Enjoy the Journey~
You might find it increasingly difficult to accommodate people with differing opinions. Today, we ask ourselves tough questions: Should I stay silent or take the risk of voicing my thoughts? Although balance is a vital aspect of life, it's often easier said than done. Opportunities for imbalance and triggers abound. Finding a balance that makes you feel good about your life is crucial for your personal happiness. But let’s not forget to bring back jump humping and indulge in lengthy discussions about Lifetime movies.
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How can one of the most creative and promising generations of our time be tied to the lamest catch phrases? Well, let's go...with this episode. Today we talk about the riveting Kidz Bop version of the Kendrick and Drake beef, which may be the only way I the associate with a beef again. But we also chat about the struggle of having a conversation where someone is trying to convince you that you're thinking is wrong and their's is correct. And then we somehow stumble into a conversation about sex rooms. I mean, we love having sex, but do you really need a room dedicated to just sex? Not judging, just asking for a friend. So, remember to smell you house when you come home from vacation, put on some Bobby Womack and lets go!! (insert irony here)
~Enjoy the Journey~
Now I know that I can't know everything, but as an adult, I still get tickled when I learn something new about life. So imagine my surprise, and potentially yours, as we learn about "jump humping." And on a serious note, are we really in a place where fast food chains are sponsoring national parks? We still don't have flying cars, work and joy are typically on 2 very different ends of the spectrum and I don't know what we're yelling about! Take a deep breath. You're ok. We're going to take this one day at a time.
~Enjoy the Journey~
As I've gotten older, finding ways to disconnect and slow down has become increasingly important, especially in an era where staying connected is easier than ever. Recently, I discovered Darkness Retreats and spent 5 days in complete darkness to explore this unique form of unplugging. In today's episode, we'll delve into that transformative experience. We also discuss where we draw the line when it comes to supporting businesses based on their affiliations. Plus, did you know that Kinzie has a fascinating magic wand collection? There's so much to cover in this episode!
~Enjoy the Journey~
Man, we are running the gamut today on tangents. After sharing stories of our misguided youths, we have a good discussion around meditation. From different ways to approach meditation, to dealing with meditation injuries, which sounds counter intuitive. But here we are. We talk a bit about growing up around racism and ignorance around equality, but we also wax poetic about our preference in soft or strong toilet paper. So, today we bring you the science of fries, the problems with Trader Joe's parking lots and a funny story about Marion Berry.
~Enjoy the Journey~
In this conversation, we attempt to explore the unexpected lessons hidden in life's randomness and glean the profound insights gained from seemingly trivial experiences. And we also bring light to the absurdity of mattress commercials in Texas, uncovering the curious quirks of regional advertising. If you don't know, check out Mattress Mack! We chat about a recent medicine journey I took and some of the integrative moments I took from that experience. And stick around for an intriguing tidbit about Joni Mitchell that you will probably want to verify for yourself, but it's an interesting journey.
~Enjoy the Journey~
Join us for a thought-provoking journey as we delve into the fabric of our human experience. In today's episode, we ponder the notion of whether there's a malevolent force orchestrating our lives or if we're simply crafting meaning from the chaos. As humans, we're wired to weave narratives, finding significance even in the seemingly mundane. Ever heard of the Church of the Latter-Day Dude? It emerged from the cult classic film "The Big Lebowski," but did the Coen brothers anticipate its creation? And what about individuals like Rick Rubin, encouraging us to tap into our creative depths? But is creativity solely reserved for the privileged few or accessible to all, even those struggling to make ends meet? We'll contemplate embracing our present circumstances, even if they diverge drastically from our past expectations. Plus, a curious dive into the enigmatic "Running Scared" from Paul Walker's repertoire. So buckle up as we navigate why Eddie Vedder might just be a more pleasant guest than Gary Payton.
~Enjoy the Journey~
Topics come and go, but I love maneuvering through a seemingly nonsensical, tangential conversation. Join us as we navigate through seemingly nonsensical conversations that somehow always find their way back home. In today's episode, we tackle the ever-relatable topic of travel frustrations and share our savvy strategies for overcoming them. Ever wondered about the awkwardness of celebrity obsession or the joys (and pitfalls) of teaching life lessons to kids? We've got you covered. And don't miss our Zen moments of the week, because sometimes, it's the detours in life that lead to the most profound discoveries. Tune in as we turn tangents into pure gold.
~Enjoy the Journey~
Today we are digging into the complexities of being nice while avoiding the pitfalls of people-pleasing. We'll explore impactful phrases like "being in trouble" and question who we're truly accountable to. Additionally, we'll dissect the notion of "confidential contracts" and how they silently erode relationships. But fear not, it's not all serious! We'll also weave a narrative connecting Steve Buscemi through iconic films like Billy Madison, ConAir, and The Big Lebowski, sharing awkward encounters along the way that probably needed to happen. So, come along as we navigate the delicate balance of kindness without becoming doormats, all while leaving ample time for indulging in our favorite Nick Cage movies.
~Enjoy the Journey~